Possitive? of a desease that strips a person of health, selfworth, confidence, happiness, physical and mental ability, competence and independance? Well if you have a horrible person in your life determined to 'buy' your love, there is one yes!
It's no secret, me and my father don't have much to do with each other. This doesn't bother me. At the time of my diagnosis he came and saw me (*sigh*goodie...) But he did give me money, and a laptop and some of stuff that basically wasn't the top of the range as of 3 months previously that he wanted to replace or just wasn't impressive anymore! But nice shiney things are shiney, not complaining at all! And that money was going to buy 1 thing... DOLLIES! But omg, which one! :o
I could buy Oli & ellabell's big sister... Or Aeryn's little sister... a body for Salmcis (She was still a floating head at this time lol). I'd been eyeing up so many dolls! And then SOOM released him...
SOOM Smokey - Onocentaur
I've lost his box opening pictures :( But I still have blank photos. Fantastic as I think he is so beautiful blank.
I'd seen the previously released centaur dolls and decided that when the right centaur came along I had to have them. Smokey was that centaur. I loved his little donkey ears. He looked so cute and a little dopey and naive. I had no idea who his character would be and I kept him blank for about a year! I'm a bad bad person! But after a while it became clear! I knew who he was and his character all because I bought his best friend and soulmate. I'll get to her later ^^
I blushed the whole of his body. I wasn't going for anything complicated, just all grey with dark grey dusty, speakled markings. I wasn't sure why the black ribbon on his tail, but that became clear too. Hmmm maybe a photostory about it one day...
But I left his face to my very talented friend and BJD Guru. I was so so happy with his face <3 I had all his clothes specially made (I wanted him to have some alternative leg warmers ^^). And I love his Captured In Glass eyes I ordered him and he has the Trachy default wig. I knew the default Trachy wig wouldn't be used by Mischa, but I liked the wig too much to not buy it ^^ I've also given him the default Bygg outfit that I'd been keeping by just incase (again, lost the photos of him wearing it!).
I love this little boy lots! I called him Loki (I'm smitten by the character from Thor and love the name!). I knew his quiet personality from the beginning and as a donkey he is naturally stubborn. His Donkey Centaur race are protectors of all other good Centaurs races. Thier nature to protect is genetic thus they like to protect thier friends, pets and family from childhood. Loki is still very young :)
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