Bijoux was a very random purchase. When SOOM released the Elemanders Sammi & Picro, I was in love with Picro. The blue looked lovely. In the company photos Sammi looked very 'peach'. Not pink at all. I didn't have the pennies at the time of thier release so they passed me by. It was only when I saw owner pics that I truly fell in love with the sculpt. The face was beautiful. And Sammi was PINK!
I wasn't looking for anything really when browsing the marketplace on Den Of Angels. Just window shopping. at this time I was quite bitter about Nero having not arrived at Mint on Card. And I saw Sammi. Just blank... but she looked beautiful. I slept on the idea but that just gave my imagination the time it needed to envision things! I knew how I wanted my friend and guru to paint her body and faceup her. I was going to open the eyes but decided against it. And I also thought of how she fit in to my many storylines for my BJDs. She was Nero's sister. Box opening, then explanation!
I have so many of theses white boxes now lol
So pink! Gorgeous. I still don't understand why SOOM concealed the pink by blushing her all peachy. The pink is so lovely.
How I intend her to stay. Don't think I will ever use the human legs, feet or hands.
I'd always wanted a Frezje dress. Felt like everyone had 1. And they are lovely. I'm already trying to justify the money to be spent on them! Really want to get Mischa and Kajsa one.
I tried many of the wigs I have spare and used a spare pair of eyes that I still have and hate. I had no idea what eyes and wig she should have.
So for that moment she was blind and bald until I could figure it out. Hopefully a faceup and body blushing would make stuff clearer but while she was gone a got 2 wigs and some eyes.
My guru worked closly to my photoshop efforts and I tweaked what she did with more photoshop to show her what I wanted. She did the faceup perfectly. I've actually lost the original photoshops I did at the start, but she did it exactly how I wanted :)
I had this wig made for her. It's so soft and lovely. Still wasn't sure though.
I also bought this wig. Decided it wasn't her though.
I don't know what happened but I tried the glot default again. And for me, it fit. I don't know if it's because my friend faceuped the eyebrows a light brown to match, but I decided this wig was Bijoux. The eyes I ordered for her though didn't stick. Instead she got Kajsa's old pink ones.
How can a white tiger cub and a salamander be siblings I hear you ask? They are adopted brother and sister. Both turned to a human form of thier past selves by a fairy and her wand. Bijoux was actually the result of a silly kitten throwing his mother's wand into a river. But thier adopted mother loves them both dearly. This is another story which is open to new members. Nero and Bijoux may have other siblings one day.
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