Thursday, 6 November 2014

Isn't it great when everything comes together ^.^

So, Tulie & Kajsa (SOOM Glot & Bygg) have been in a storyless place. Tulie since day 1 and Kajsa since I sold Beyla. They had personalities but thier backstory was a mystery. When SOOM released LG Turb & Roxan in May 2013, I knew I had to have one. Once I decided which I wanted my imagination sinked it's teeth in and a story emerged. This story included Tulie and Kajsa too and if I one day saw myself faced with another grey tiny I must have they could slip into the story too ^^ I'll explain after box opening...
 Kajsa and Tulie had been waiting for this ^^
Box and my dog...
 Either they make the box look huge or the box makes them look o so tiny!
 Bubblewrap pieces, outfit, wig and ooo free stuff (Skirts). I was intending to sell both but Aeryn wanted the 1 on the left!
 She has huge wings! But red is so pretty ^.^
 Pieces unwrapped? Check!
 I knew I'd only want 1 head but which was still unknown until I saw them in person, hence both having faceups. I picked the 1 with the fangs.
 Body ^^ Love the grey resin so much <3 Though must say the parts of the zippy case that hold the legs and body in place I find really annoying!
 I got the outfit just because it's so pretty. And the default wig. I haden't picked eyes for her yet so she had the pupiless spares that all the eyeless dolls wear!
 I did intend the default wig to be worn by her, but I just didn't like the way it looked on her in person. I tried all the spare wigs I had on her.
 I didn't really like any of them.
 So she was wigless, and not very happy about it. Then there was a brainwave! Delilice had a red and wig wig... and Roxan's default will maybe suit her better. The wig swap comenced!
 Delilice looked great and I was so very happy with how the red and white looked on Roxan. Now The wig was picked, I'd buy eyes for her in the very close future. All that was left was a name...
 There was a lot of possible name choices but in the end I chose Moya. Moya is the name of 1 of my favourite sci-fi series' characters; Moya is a living spaceship from Farscape.
I eventually decided to go with red eyes. Though sometimes I'm not sure if it's the right choice.
I love this girl so much, I think she's stunning, however I am biased ^.-

Moya is a living gargoyle. She was lost as a small child but was found by a witch. She didn't realise the witch was bad until it was too late. Magic kept her trapped in the witch's garden. This witch collected many living things to live in her garden. She called them her 'living statues.' When she found out Moya could turn things to stone she was thrilled. She forced Moya to turn all the creatures in her garden to stone. The last to be turned to stone was Kajsa, a unicorn. But Kajsa's magical properties enabled her to be turned to living stone just like Moya. After this the witch demanded the two of them turn everything she wanted into living stone. They continued this unhappily for a while. One day the witch kidnapped a child dream caller. The witch had bitten off more than she could chew though this time. The night before the dream caller was to be turned to stone, she controlled the witch's dream to a point that she was sleep walking with all her protective spells removed. The dream caller also invaded Moya's dream as a way to comunicate to her what she thought should be done. Moya agreed to her whims and that was the night the witch got turned to stone. All the 'living statues' were freed, most returning home. A select few only knew one home and that was with Moya.

So at the moment only 2 of the trapped creatures from the witch's garden have stayed with Moya, Kajsa the unicorn and Tulie the dream caller. Both for thier own reasons. There may be other creatures from the witch's garden that I just don't know about it ^^ I like having open stories as I don't want my doll collecting to be restricted or necessarily have an end. Slow down maybe, but not end. I decided I liked this way for doll collecting so the next group of dolls I also see as having an open story ^^

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