Since my MS had settled a bit, mother kept telling me I should try faceups again, and that I can do it if I took it slow! Mums are great :) So when it came to buying a doll who's default faceup wouldn't suit my character in mind I decided I would. Actually 2...
Peakswoods released blue/grey vampire YoSDs. I'd had vampire Hucky on my wish lists for years so that was an obvious choice. It took a little while to decide on the other sculpt, but eventually I picked Leo. Why two? Well I decided they were to be brothers and not vampires either. They would be dragons. Originally I thought I'd buy some horns and wings. However after a little thought process time and because I couldn't find the perfect ones, I decided to try and make my own. I decided against wings though, maybe tails would be better. It's because they are dragons that the default faceup wouldn't do. They needed scales ^.^
I'd never ordered from peakswoods before. After a little research it seemed they were a lovely company to deal with. Wrong... They are a frigging amazingly fantastically lovely company to deal with. You can design your own layaway plan. They are always fast to reply to any questions and try to ensure the buying experience is as wonderfully easy for you as it can be. I can not praise this company enough.
I wanted a comfortable layaway as honestly... I couldn't really afford 2! And right near the end of my layaway they let me extend it to include some clothes! So lovely blank dollies and clothes ^^ But my little dragons needed eyes... but Captured In Glass doesn't offer what I was after. Infact I don't think it would work in glass. I needed snake/dragon eyes. Blue and purple. Ersa Flora, another new place to buy things. And I found some wigs for them from For My Doll (lately my favourite place to buy wigs). I also got some magnets and Fimo clay ready to make horns and maybe tails. I even got them some trainers too! I was all set ^^
I know we've all seem a cardbord box before, but it's still exciting! And the blue PeaksWoods boxes. I really like the colour. And the cute little passage on writing which reads: Elf's woods located on the top of the mountain. When you step in a castle gate crossing the rainbow bridge. You will find the place where elves are dancing. Welcome to Peak's Woods.
CoAs, postcards, acrylics eyes and freebies ^.^ A nice blonde wig and lots of extra hands :D Very excited about those as I had no idea I'd be getting more hands. I also did not know PW tinies come with zippy cushions. And I know it's very minor and insignificant but I love the red and blue tags that were on thier cushions. Hucky's is the red and Leos is the blue.
Thats Hucky. Can't mistake those cute lips!
Where's my brother?
Hucky (Left) And Leo (right). No clothes though. Peakswoods must have forgotten. So I rush off to find some spare clothes for them to borrow!
Hucky is going to by my purple Dragon called Spyro (yes after the game! I love those games...).
Leo is going to be my blue dragon. I've named him Takeo after a character from 1 of my favourite series of books. He is the older 1 of the 2 brothers.
Even though Mummy had confidence in me to do the faceups, I really truly didn't, but I did try my hardest! My ability shocked me. It's not professional level by all means, but I think it's pretty good for a disabled person! The lower eye lashes are a tell. They start fantastically, but they slowly go down hill as I was getting tired and loosing control of my hands. I should have stopped and gone back to it. Unfortunately, I is of the stubborn.

I started with Spyro's faceup and then moved on to Takeo's. I'm still rubbish at eyebrows but I think I'm a little better at everything else :) And I'm happy with thier little scales :) Onto the bodies!
They arn't everywhere but both little boys have them arround thier belly, anckles, feet, hands, arms and neck. Making sure the scales on all the left hands matched and same for the right was a pain!
It took three attempts to get the horns right. Theses ones were the first prototype but the horns didn't fit the head right. Can't see it in this photo. The second one didn't even sit on the head.
Third time lucky and completed with a bit of paint. I tried making tails but didn't like how it sit on them. Think perhaps I made it too big and a much smaller one would work better. I did get the shape how I wanted though :)
I love how these little boys turned out so much and I feel a bit like my old self when I first started collecting. When the sky was a limit I was willing to race past! I think I'd want them to have a little sister one day, I just need to find a cute sculpt with vampire teeth!
I think you did a nice job with their face ups, I like the eyelashes :D!!
ReplyDeleteI love your dollies, Leo is so cute >u<!!! And the skin color gosh, I think I've mentioned a zillion times already, I love it!
Thanks :) The resin colour looks so much better in person :o I'm so tempted to get another xD