Monday, 6 October 2014

The beginning...

I supose it started at university... My friend had theses dolls... BJDs she called them... (yes my filthy mind concentrated on the 'bj' part too lol). It was explained to me that Ball Joint Dolls were resin, collectable dolls from Asia. I had to see. Pictures of them all over the internet were stunning. I've been obsessed with dolls since day 1 so this was just another type of doll to have 1 day...
They are expensive... So I pushed them out of my mind for a year or two. Then when money was better I thought 'oooOOOooOOoo I can have 1 now ^^' But which 1...
Since my friend who had them had dolls from Dollmore mostly, thats generally where I was looking. I'm a very impatient person. and when it came down to picking a Kid Dollmore Flocke or a limited SOOM Glot/Glati... Flocke won as yeah... 2 weeks wait verses 3-4 months. I'm not a patient person!!!
Though I must say the longest few weeks of my life! lol
First thing I learnt when recieving my first BJD, The box is one of the most beautiful cuboid bits of cardboard you will ever see. Animals love them too ^^ (Thats Mickie btw)
The actual dollbox is another object of ecstasy. And as for the bubblewrap... well... who doesn't like bubblewrap!!! The teeny tiny exploding plastic bubbles of joy!

Knowing My expensive dolly is packed safe and sound is very comforting ^^

I Think I was obsessed from this point lol

Making her some accsessories and a top was kool too. I've never really added to any other dolls I've collected.

People who don't collect dolls always find the blank faces scary. I don't. But then... I'm not scared of dolls either :P

Something a bit relaxing about her being all white... but didn't last long. I bought her blank as I thought faceups would be no problem. I'm an art student... how hard can it be. Very... is the answer. Stupid me >.<

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