Friday, 10 October 2014

Isn't it annoying...

Isn't it annoying when your little resin people make future doll plans for you..? Thats what my second doll did lol Ellabell is a twin :P So then I was hunting for another LTF head with elf ears, at the time there was only 1 other sculpt that had been limitedly released with elf ears, and that was shiwoo ^^ Shiwoo, Chiwoo... sound twinly to me lol I haunted the market place on DoA until I found Ellabell's brother's head. I did ^^ And then I had to find a secondhand body for him ^^ Didn't take as long as I expected, but he was a floating head for a while.

It's strange how you can become so fond of a blank faceplate/head lol But I was smitten with Ellabell's brother lol I called him Oli and I had his character all thought up. Very different to his sister. It was a while until he had his eyes and wig, but when he did, the bonding process was complete, but to be honest it wasn't far off from the moment I got him. <3

In the beginning he had nothing at all, as you'll see in the photostory 'Oli's Beginning'. But I got his wig first. He'd borrow his sister's body, eyes, clothes from time to time.
 Eventually I got his body ^^ Finding the same eyes wasn't as difficult as I first thought. A lot of people don't use the defaults they get from doll companies. But I love the grey. Hence why my original idea for Ellabell didn't stick...

If they had stuck, the twins would look like this ^^
Well close to. I borrowed theses eyes for a photoshoot before I sold them. They are SOOM eyes. And I didn't know before I got them, but I hate soom eyes. They look lovely in photos, but they just arn't for me. I hate the way they catch and hold light. I just don't like them.

I love theses two, Made me realise that I do really like tinies. Most of my collect is. I have 6 MSDs and 16 Tinies, most YoSDs, but I do love the really small ones ^^ Easy to carry arround ^^ But yeah, love tinies.
Ellabell & Oli are good twins really, get along most of the time. Rarely fight, but don't be fooled by Ellabell's sweetness, she can hold her own! I love photographing them together. I rarely have them out seperatly. It's strictly an 'all or nothing' kind of thing.
 As far as thier characters go, Ellabell adores her brother, clings to him. He doesn't seem too bothered about her, but he loves her lots really. He just doesn't tell anyone ;)
 Oli Loves dogs! Ellabell likes ponies & horses. They both love chocolate. Oli love transformers and all superhero stuff really.

 Told you they fight. Also told you that Ellabell can hold her own lol
 A few years after having Oli, I read somewhere the name Olivander. Lightbulb! Thats it! That's Oli's full name. Two names squished together like Ellabell's ^^ Oliver & Alexander ^^ Olivander ^^ He still prefers just Oli though. He is only called Olivander by his big sister. Not Ellabell, the other big sister.
See! Little resin people are devious! They have a big sister :)

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