Saturday, 11 October 2014

Grail... or not Grail...

Well I've heard the term grail doll a lot and thought I'd read a little here and there before I used the term... But I think I can use it in this instant and I'll explain why, as, well, I like talking :P
So, Grail doll. A doll thats normally out of reach/impossible/VERY unlikely to possess!

When I picked Aeryn over the SOOM MD Glot/Glati, I knew that it was limited. After the ordering period ended it would be hard to aquire. My only hope was second hand. Second hand prices are usually pretty high, and at this point in life I was quite frankly poor lol Until my parents finally got divorced (yay ^^). Due to the fact that I was a little bit brighter than my mum's solicitor (Long 'apple' story...) Mummy got more money from the divorce :D

Because Mummy is the best, she got me a few dollies ^^ So when a Glot popped up on the market place I could snap her up ^^ At this time I was unaware there were going to be re-releases of Glot/Glati in other forms in the future, so at the time of me buying my Glot, in my head she was rare, and I was lucky to find her AND afford her ^^ So Grail doll? I think so. I've not felt this way about a doll since. So she was my one and only 'Grail'.

So I think the light-headed happyness is what people mean by being on cloud 9? Well I felt like I was on the best damn cloud in the universe! My first of many SOOM boxes ;) You'll see later xD
I confess... I love stroppy, sullen little faces ^^ And I still haven't accepted that the dolls always look so much more stunning in person...
Honestly, suprises me every time!
They are Aeryn's eyes that she's adopted and I love the default wig more than life it's self. But... it's just not her :< I kept it for years though until I found the doll for it ^^ 
So I don't know why but I named my Glot Tulie. Considered changing it in the beginning sometimes, But it just seems to stick. Be right. Tulie is shy and comes across as Low-spirited, but shes not so bad!
Sad because not her eyes or wig and she's got blank hooves and horns. Super happy with her little white dress though, which her seller allowed me to buy from her too! So lovely <3
My first go at painting fantasy parts. I felt good about it ^^ It would also teach me later how prone these resin people are to chipping!

Ellabell adopted the little sulk machine as her best friend ^^ Really enjoyed having some dolls who'd be friends rather then siblings/childminders. Not Tulie's wig though. Took me a while to realise what wig I'd want her to have. Thats the wig I got for the SOOM Bygg I ordered ^^ The blues are her eyes though :) And my first experience of glass eyes. This was basically the beginning of my glass eyes snobbery.
That's Ellabell's default outfit she came with. Tulie likes it, I like it on her. I'm keping the outfit lol
Hmmm... yes. Light wig was better. She's been through a few white/blonde wigs.
This wig has been a lot of my doll's wig. Was Tulie's for a fairly long time :) But I think I've settled on her look now...
 New wig, new eyes, both were bought for another new doll. Didn't work out in the end, and before selling them on I tried them on Tulie, as this wig (SleepingElf) is so soft and pretty <3 And I liked it lol I think the subtle addition of colour was pretty ^^ And yeah, I can't remember why I went with blue at the start, but I know I've gone off the blue.
She even got a new paintjob for her hooves. Again, I did it, and I'm happy :) She was also very shiney and floppy, a new sealant spray job was in order ^^ And she is yellowed, but a nice mellow yellow (quite rightly!). I don't think it's bad, but she is not white at all anymore. But, still adore this little lump of resin <3 If I had to sell everyone, she'd be the last I let go of I think... Her and Aeryn :)

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