Friday, 31 October 2014

Jaxith's little angel.. Devil... erm...?

I honestly didn't know Jax had a sister until SOOM released Lami and Trachy. I was smitten again <3 I supose I just love the demonic looking lovelies ^^ I had to have Trachy, as red is my favourite colour ^^ What better reason than that?!
 Box ^^ The cardboard box is nice, but the white doll box is better ^^ And there's Mickie ^^ He was very nosey about the doll boxes and parcels at first. Now he's just like 'omg, another 1 >.< *licks balls and sleeps.'
 So very RED! Isn't she beautiful <3 So very REDDDD <3
 Same eyes as her brother and she's a blonde too ^^ She is only Jaxith's half sister though. They have different mothers ^^ And of thier weird demonic family, she's the only girl if all her dozens of siblings.
Love the default outfit <3 and check out her boots! I want a pair of theses boots for me! Why do bjds have such wonderful footwear?! Better than people footwear?! I want her boots... :'(
The end of July that year I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She arrived beginning of August. I was still in hospital when she got here, but I got to have her as soon as I got home. Lovely timing I guess? I asked my good friend and personal BJD Guru to faceup both heads for me. I also asked her to glue the magnets for me. Practically everything. I wasn't really any good for anything for a good 2-3 months, including taking photos. Sorry for the horrendous box opening photos!
At first she was Eliza. But as time when on and after I watch Hannibal Rising I called her Mischa instead <3
 I love both heads ^^ And the horns and tail. I use both horns and the tail on the open mouth head and only the small horns and tail on the other head. Reason is, since her character is young I think she wouldn't have mastered keeping normal human form yet. Thats why she's always red, and when she gets upset or angry she grows more horns! Her eyes change colour too ^^ I don't use the open mouth head as much as I'd like to, as I really do love it! So may rethink the anger/upset thing. I love her pouty face too though!
 This is Mischa's wig now ^^ It's the afi default. Yes I sold Afi, but I kept all her stuff! Wouldn't let got of her outfit either, thats for Tulie ^^ I keep saying to myself in my head that if I seal the body a few times it might not look so mismatched from the heads. My first excuse for not doing this was tht I had no sealant. Then I blamed the weather. Then I just kept forgetting! If the weather is nice on sunday I might just do it! Though going to be busy saturday (celebrating my birthday a day early by drinking, gaming and seeing live metal music performances!) which may lead to my MS fatigue monster to bully me >.> Monday! Maybe...
oh and Happy Halloween world ^^ I didn't plan it but to write about a red demon doll this day seems rather fitting ^^


  1. I'm [retty sure that a few layers of sealant on the body would make it look the same as the head. You friend did a really nice job on the face up, it must be hard working on such a strong skin color.
    I hope you are feeling much better now, I'm sorry you had to go through hospital and stuff :(

    1. Yeah, she said the resin colour did make doing the faceups probmatic! Rather glad I didn't atempt it! I hope we are right about the layers of sealant helping ^^ I'll post something if it does ^^ And no need to appologise ^^ You didn't put me in hospital... did you? ;) I'm much better now that its under control :) I actually take my dolls to hospital with me when I have to go each month ^^ Will do a post about that soon ^^
