Thursday, 26 January 2023

I'm still alive!

 I know... I've been away forever. So much in my life has changed. And I didn't buy or 'play' with my dolls for some years. But... when I decided I should let some go, that influenced me to inspect the ones I couldn't let go and ask myself why. I also looked at their characters and names. I think a re-vamp is in order.

I think I've had at most 28 dolls at some point, but right now as it stands ive sold 6, but have 6 up for sale still. Fingers crossed I think 1 of those will sell soon :) But Kirsty, what made you begin culling your collection?! Why the change of heart?
Because; what good is having a lovely collection if you have no house to keep them or yourself in XD I'm being adult ^.^ You guys should be proud :D 

Me and my boyfriend have been saving for a house, rather then renting :) And hopefully we are in the process! It's not just dolls I've sold either, but the dolls are all that's really relevant in this space :) So lets go on to our dolly update!

I have part ways with: 

  • Thisbe & Salmacis (fairyland Cupid & Ante multiheads). 
  • Delilice (Luts 2012 winter event kid delf)
  • Luts tiny delf Alice
  • Luts tiny delf mermaid Dorothy
  • Moya (soom Roxan black fog elf)
  • Jaxith (fairyland minifee Scar Breakaway)
  • Wraithian (Soom Iceland Ice lad)
  • Olivander (Fairyland LittleFee Shiwoo elf)
  • Satu (soom Deertaur littlegem Tona)
I'm also trying to decide what to do with Loki, my soom Onocentaur smokie. I love his face, so much and his cute little donkey ears, but I'm not get along with the body at all. I feel I'd prefer for him to be on two legs instead of 4. But I think I'm going to find it difficult to sell the body alone and find a body to replace it! So I'm on the fence about it. Might be something I look into after my living situation settles. (Buying a house is hard...)

But yes. There has been changes to my resin family. The changes feel good :) I have no regrets. I still have a few blank dolls that are in need of faceups! But When spring arrives I should be able to sort out the blank faces :)

I shall end this incredibly late post (Which I started writing 2 years ago, and finished and edited today!) with an up to date family photo :) You will spot many dolls I haven't written about yet!  I'll be posting about them soon :) And writing about my dolls stories and characters. And my struggles finding names for the newbies and new names for the character changes of some of the old dolls :)